Приближаются Новогодние праздники и Рождество (Christmas). Все вокруг озабочены поисками подарков для близких, подготовкой к празднику, проведением каникул и отпусков. В этой статье вы найдете небольшой рассказ про Санта Клауса на английском с переводом, из которого можно узнать, откуда пошла традиция дарения подарков на Рождество, кто был прообразом современного Деда Мороза, и откуда взялось имя Санта Клаус.
One wealthy man (Один богатый человек)
Why do we celebrate Christmas and who is Santa Claus? Especially the last question has been asked by many Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheist and so on. But probably mostly the non-Christians wonder who this bearded man with all the presents for little children is. For an answer, we have to look back in history, about 1,700 years ago. At that time, the man lived in the Roman Empire, where today Turkey is located. He lived in a very poor region, but he himself was quite wealthy, compared to his surroundings.
Особенно последний вопрос часто задают многие христиане, мусульмане, иудеи, атеисты и т.д. Но в основном, вероятно, не христиане удивляются, кто этот бородатый человек с подарками для маленьких детей? Для ответа мы должны оглянуться назад в историю, около 1700 лет назад. В те времена этот человек жил в Римской империи, где сегодня находится Турция. Он жил в очень бедном регионе, но сам он был довольно богатым по сравнению с его окружением.
The poor man and his crying daughters (Бедный человек и его плачущие дочери)
This man has been famous for many legends in which he appears. But the most famous and for this question most important legend is about a poor man with three daughters. His poverty forced his two daughters would soon have to work as beggars to make a living. These plans and also the crying daughters were heard by Nicholas of Myra, the wealthy man mentioned before. He wanted to save the girls from begging and so snuck into their house at night and put each one a golden ball, other versions mentioned a purse full of gold coins, beneath their beds.
Sanctus Nikolaus Myrensis (Санктус Николаус Миренсис)
Other versions again said that Nicolas of Myra threw money through the family’s chimney or even put coins in the stockings of daughters, and then hung them for drying. Here you can already see similarities to the modern Christmas tradition, at least in some countries. Soon Nicolas of Myra who was called like this because he came from a city called Myra, was called the Saint by the recently unified Christian Orthodox Church, or in Latin, Sanctus Nikolaus Myrensis. Over the centuries, traditions were spread, and the name of Nikolaus Mirensis has changed somewhat. When the Legends became popular in northwestern Europe, it is difficult for people to pronounce his name as it was before.
Modern Santa Claus (Современный Санта Клаус)
That is why, for example, in the Netherlands, he is called Sinterklaas. And, when America was discovered, this tradition spread to the New World. Now he is called Santa Claus and he gives presents to all children either letting them fall down the chimney or by putting them into stockings by the fireplace. That’s so far is the rather complicated story of modern Christmas. Indeed the gifting of Saint Nicholas is also celebrated in many European countries. For example, on the 6th of December in Germany, all children may put their shoes in front of the doors so that Nicolas will fill the shoes with sweets and small gifts.
Three Wise Men (Три Мудреца)
The actual source of Christmas presents in most European countries is the Biblical Magi or Three Wise Men who brought gold, frankincense and myrrh as presents to the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary. This is the reason why in countries like Spain the presents are brought by the Three Wise Men in January after Christ birth and why, for example, in many Protestant areas, the Baby Jesus himself brings the presents.
Ded Moroz (Дед Мороз)
Additionally, there is the legend of British Father Christmas who is often considered to be Saint Nicholas as well or sometimes with the same function the equivalent to Russian Ded Moroz, who traditionally was dressed in what we know today as Santa Claus clothing. That is all the different stories of Christmas gifting which indeed has had its origins in the classical antiquity. By the way, the name Nicholas, which is found out as the origin of Santa Claus in ancient Greek, meant in English «Victor of the people».
На этом рассказ про Санта Клауса на английском заканчивается, но мы готовим и другие новогодние рассказы, так что подписывайтесь и узнаете о них, как только они выйдут. Также предлагаем вам подборку Новогодних и Рождественских песен на английском с текстами (lyrics).