Растения могут быть большими, как дерево или маленькими, как роза. Некоторые растения очень красивы и имеют разноцветные листья и цветы. Растения дают нам много вещей. Большинство людей чувствуют себя хорошо, глядя на цветы, и люди часто дарят цветы в подарок. Растения могут быть у вас дома.
Plants can be large like a tree or small like a rose. Some plants are very pretty and have lots of colour in their leaves and flowers. Plants give us many things. Most people feel good looking at flowers and people often give flowers as presents. You might have plants at your home.
Роль растений
Many plants like roses smell so good that they’re used in perfumery, others are used in medicine. Some plants give us food like carrots or apple and banana trees. Many animals also eat plants. Trees give us shade that keeps us cool on a hot day. Seeds from wheat are crashed and turn into flour for our bread. Trees we use for wood, paper, and many other things.
Строение растений
Most plants grow in the ground. They begin as a seed. The seed opens and the plant grows up from the soil toward the warmth of the Sun. Part of the seed grows down into the ground. It is called the root of the plant. Another part that grows up above the ground is the stem of the plant or the trunk of the tree.
Вода и питательные вещества для растений
Some tree roots are so big you can see them growing above the ground. The root absorbs water and nutrients in the soil. This water and food goes up into the stem or trunk of a tree and out to the leaves, flowers, and fruit. Roots also grip the Earth and keep the plant from falling over. Plants grow towards the Sun because they need sunlight to live. The leaves grow out of the plant to catch and use the sunlight and air to produce more food for the plant. A plant needs food and energy from the Sun.
Растения и витамины
When we eat plants we put their energy into our body. Our body needs the same things so we can grow and be healthy. We can eat the fruit that grows from the plant stem. The roots like carrots or peanuts, and the leaves of a plant like lettuce or spinach. Every time we eat plants we get vitamins. Vitamins are made inside the plant with the help of the Sun.
Семена растений
Some plants make seeds that drop on the ground so more plants will grow. The seeds are found in the flowers or the fruit of the plant. People, animals and birds often eat seeds, for example, sunflower seeds, nuts or rice.
Many flowers have pollen. Pollen has to be blown to the other plants by the wind or carried by an animal like a bee, or a bird. The pollen enters another flower and pollinates it, thus the seeds are formed. Plants grow because we plant the seeds, or because animals carry them in their fur and they drop off into the soil, or because the wind blows the seeds to new places.
Plants both big and small are important to people and our world. (Растения, большие и малые, важны для людей и нашего мира.)
Еще текст про растения — Тропические леса Австралии