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Gap-fill exercise

Заполните все пробелы, затем нажмите «Проверить», чтобы проверить свои ответы. Используйте кнопку «Подсказка», чтобы получить следующую букву, если ответ вызывает проблемы. Вы также можете нажать кнопку «[?]», чтобы получить подсказку. Обратите внимание, что вы потеряете очки, если попросите подсказку!
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What delicious cake! Have piece!
Dr Costa goes to United States once year.
That´s car of my dreams!
I would like to see unicorn.
Carnival is in February in Brazil.
I like coffee but coffee they serve in school cafeteria is terrible!
Life is not easy for people who earn minimum wage.
I enjoyed Mr Watson´s lecture; he spoke about economic conditions in United Kingdom.
What nice gardens! people who live in these houses must have good taste.
Helen works as secretary for multinational company.
Susan was in bed with fever, so she couldn´t go to party.
For me summer is best season of year.
When you go to Paris, be sure to visit Eiffel Tower.
Mr Silva is catholic but he almost never goes to church.
Henry plays piano and his father plays guitar.
I´m in hurry because I have to catch bus to go to work.