Возможно, вы уже знаете, что львы — это большие кошки весом до 500 фунтов (226.8 кг) и вырастают они до 10 футов (3 м) в длину. Львы являются вторыми по величине членами семейства кошек после тигров. Но вот некоторые вещи, которые вы, вероятно, не знали о них. Львы имеют выразительный рев. Рев льва можно услышать на расстоянии до пяти миль, и он может быть почти таким же громким, как гром.
You may already know that lions [ˈlaɪənz] львыare big cats weighing up to 500 pounds and growing up to 10 feet long. Lions are the second largest members of the cat family after tigers. But here are some things you probably didn’t know about them. Lions have significant roars[rɔːz] рык, рев. A lion’s roar may be heard up to five miles away and can be nearly as loud as thunder.
Львы начинают рычать в возрасте 1 год
Lions begin to vocalize as soon as they are born but their vocalisations don’t start to develop into roars until the lions are about 1 year old. Roaring allows the lions to claim their territory by communicating their presents to potential intruders. It also helps them communicate with fellow lions within their pride[praɪd] прайд, стая.
Львы живут в социальных группах
Lions are the only cats that regularly live in social groups. Called prides these groups are family units that include as few as three and as many as 40 lions. They typically have one dominate male. But may sometimes have two to three leading males at a time. The rest of the prides adult members are females and they are often related to each other. They give birth around the same time which allows their cubs to nurse from multiple females.
Львы не очень успешные охотники
Lions are not the most successful hunters[ˈhʌntəz] охотники. But they do consume a lot of meat. Lionesses [ˈlaɪənɪsɪz] Львицыwho are the primary hunters of a pride only succeed in making a kill less than 30% of the time. Their prey such as zebras and antelopes are usually faster and larger than the lionesses, but by working together the females increase the chances of exhausting their prey[preɪ] добыча, and killing it. Despite their unsuccessful attempts to catch prey, lions may still consume about 20 pounds (9 kg) of meat a day and some are capable of devouring [dɪˈvaʊərɪŋ] пожирающий nearly 100 pounds (45.5 kg) a day.
Гривы у львов
Not all male lions have manes[meɪnz] гривы. The male lions of Tsavo Kenya are mysteriously maneless[ˈmeɪnləs] отсутствие гривы. Speculation as to the explanation rangers the lions may have higher testosterone levels or the lack of mane maybe an adaptation for keeping cool in the heat. When the Lions do have manes the hair usually serves to intimidate other males or impressed females similar to a male peacock and his feathers. One study at the Serengeti showed that females preferred full dark manes as they may signal fitness and ability to fight.
Львы находятся под угрозой вымирания
Lions were once scattered[ˈskætəd] разбросанные worldwide. Around 124,000 years ago several subspecies of lions existed throughout the planet. This included the cave lions of Europe and the American lions in North America. Unfortunately both became extinct[ɪksˈtɪŋkt] вымершие by about 8000 B.C. The surviving subspecies the African lions of Sub-Saharan Africa and Asiatic lions of India have declined due to poaching[ˈpəʊʧɪŋ] браконьерство, habitat loss and disease.
An estimated 20000 African lions remain in the wild and they are classified as vulnerable[ˈvʌlnərəbl] уязвимый. Asiatic lions are listed as endangered with a population of only about 500. Lions are some of the most formidable [ˈfɔːmɪdəbl] грозныйcreatures on the planet. Their impressive size and appetite, strong social cohesion[kəʊˈhiːʒən] сплоченность, and the regal appearance make it clear why they are considered the King of beasts[biːsts] звери, скот.
По оценкам, 20000 африканских львов остаются в дикой природе и классифицируются как уязвимые. Азиатские львы причислены к вымирающим с популяцией всего около 500. Львы — одни из самых грозных существ на планете. Их внушительный размер и аппетит, сильная социальная сплоченность и царственный внешний вид дают понять, почему льва считают царём зверей.