Ричард (Рик) Стивс — американский писатель, автор многочисленных путеводителей и популярный телеведущий. Он наиболее известен как основатель серий документальных фильмов о путешествиях по Европе. Эти фильмы могут служить прекрасным материалом для изучения английского: они интересны по содержанию, автор выражается красивым, часто метафоричным языком, и в них есть субтитры. Посмотрите этот видеоролик про Севилью и послушайте небольшой красивый рассказ про танец на английском, а затем прочитайте еще рассказ Эллы про Фламенко.
Небольшой исторический экскурс по Севилье
Sevilla was Europe’s gateway to the New World in the 16th century. It flourished during the age of Discovery. The Explorers Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Amerigo Vespucci all sailed from right here.
The Golden Tower was the starting and ending point for trade with the New World. For centuries, part of the city’s fortifications, it came with a heavy chain draped across the river to protect the harbour. In the 16th century, Sevilla’s golden age was powered by New World riches. In the 17th century, all that money made the city an important centre of arts and culture. In the 18th century, as its harbour silted up and the Spanish empire crumbled, Sevilla’s power faded, and in the 19th century the once powerful, now quaint, Sevilla became an important stop on the romantic-era grand tour of Europe.
In the 20th century, 1992 to be exact, Sevilla hosted a World’s Fair that left the city with today’s striking 21st-century infrastructure, dramatic bridges, a sleek new train system and even a new airport. Today with 700,000 people, it’s Spain’s fourth largest city and exuberant Andalusian capital.
Как Рик Стивс рассказывает про танец на английском
But the charm of Sevilla is best enjoyed in its traditions, like Flamenco. Spaniards consider Andalusia the home of Flamenco. While impromptu flamenco still erupts spontaneously in Old World bars, most tourists attend a show like this.
The men do most of the machine-gun footwork. The women concentrate on graceful turns and a smooth dramatic step. Flamenco guitarists with their lightning-fast finger-roll strums are among the best in the world. The intricate rhythms are set by castanets and hand-clapping. In the raspy-voiced wails of the singers, you’ll hear echoes of the Muslim call to prayer, an evocative reminder of centuries of Moorish rule.
Рассказ Эллы про танец на английском
Hi, my name is Ella and this is my Flamenco story.
I started Flamenco when I was 7 years old. I wanted to take it because my friend Carmen had been doing it for a while and I really liked it. Mommy and daddy have already signed me up for soccer and some other things. I really enjoy them, but I convinced that they shouldn’t let me get Flamenco a try.
Я начала заниматься Фламенко, когда мне было 7 лет. Я хотела этого, потому что моя подруга Кармен занималась этим некоторое время, и мне это очень понравилось. Мама и папа уже подписали меня на футбол и некоторые другие вещи. Мне они очень нравятся, но я убеждена, что они не должны позволить мне попробовать Фламенко.
My first teacher was Miss Giavanna. The Flamenco school had just moved to the university after a really bad fire at their school downtown. Every Saturday we were to go to university and Miss Giavanna would teach us art palmas, arm positions and other things. Pretty soon I got moved to Miss Eva’s class. Miss Eva is the one who runs the school. She is one of the most famous people in Albuquerque. They even put her name on a wall downtown.
Miss Eva is a really good dancer but an even better teacher. Her class was always hard, but she loves all her students and made sure we all did the best we could. When I was in Miss Eva’s class to be had our first performance. It was at Popejoy Hall. I remember being super excited about wearing my new beautiful dress. Daddy and mommy had a hard time pinning my hair into a bun. But the third performance they had it all figured out. There are a lot of bobby pins. A lot of my family came from out of town to see me perform. I even got flowers. We did really well, and everyone had a good time.
Now I am in Mr Carlos’s class. This class has moved to a new building and we have a lot more room to practice. Mr Carlos is teaching me сastanets. They make a really cool sound. Now I go twice a week. What I like most about dancing Flamenco that is such a passionate and energetic dance. I have learned a lot in Flamenco and the teachers here are really good and make me everything fun. Mommy and Daddy saying me being in Flamenco have made me more confident and less shy. I don’t know about that. I just hope I can keep dancing Flamenco for a long time. I want to be as good as Miss Ciavanna, Mr Carlos, and of course Miss Eva. And that’s my Flamenco story.