В наши дни путешественники часто выбирают Таиланд для отдыха. Что же такого особенного в этой стране и почему она так привлекает туристов?
Today travellers often choose Thailand for holidays. What is so special about this country, why does it attract tourists so much?
Cultured, historic, warm and cheerful Thailand attracts tourists with its sparkling temples, tropical shores, grand cuisine, and the endless Thai smile.
The abundant cuisine of Thailand (Роскошная кухня Таиланда)
Worshipped around the world, Thai cuisine emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic and spicy components. Thai dishes are prepared from fresh seafood, rice, raw or cooked vegetables, and local spices – lemongrass, chilli peppers. Thais believe that all four basic tastes: sweet, salty, spicy, and sour must be in the food.
Thailand nature (Природа Таиланда)
Thailand has a tropical monsoon climate with plenty of suns, high rainfall and high humidity. This climate leads to the fact that Thailand is rich in a huge variety of flora and fauna. There are lots of forests, mountains, rivers, valleys and gorges in Thailand that are great places to visit. Thailand is famous for its beautiful white sand beaches and clear blue seas.
Sacred Places of Thailand (Священные места Таиланда)
Thailand is a country with a great religious aspect, full of Buddhist temples, shrines, traditional healers and other spiritual masters. Visitors can see various statues and icons of Buddha. Stunning temples and golden Buddhas are everywhere. Fortune-bringing shrines decorate homes as well as modern malls. Tourists can join the meditation retreats and religious festivals.
Thailand. Beach resorts and relaxation (Таиланд. Пляжные курорты и отдых)
Thailand is an incredibly popular destination for tourists. This paradise offers plenty of hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other useful facilities. You’ll never be bored in Thailand. If you get tired of strolling along beaches and markets, there are many attractions. Enjoy expensive bars, live theatre, theme parks with white tigers, elephants, and bright exhibits. Thailand is the place where tourists can relax and enjoy the beautiful nature.
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